Winter time can be brutal, especially for those of us who have to deal with the coldest months. The sun shines less frequently and when it does, it's not as strong as in summer. This causes our skin to get drier and also more sensitive because of all the indoor heaters that we turn on during these months. Lucky for you though, I've got a few tips on how to keep your skin looking good despite the colder weather!

Stick with your routine
Don't neglect your bikini waxing routine because you're in the winter months. While it may be difficult to imagine, you could still find yourself wearing a bathing suit in the summer without having to start from scratch when it comes to hair removal.
You might think that shaving is your best bet during the colder months, but this would be counterproductive since it will lead to faster regrowth and more frequent shaving sessions. You'll also have to deal with stubble if you're not careful, which can make you feel less than confident in short shorts or bikinis as soon as Spring rolls around again!
One of the best ways to keep your skin healthy and hydrated during winter is by drinking lots of water. Water helps to penetrate your skin, fill up the spaces between cells, and plump up dry-looking skin by pulling water from within.
You should also limit caffeine, alcohol consumption, and other dehydrating drinks that can leave you feeling parched. If you have a habit of going through at least one cup of coffee every day or consuming more than one alcoholic beverage a night when you go out with friends then consider cutting back on these things until spring comes around again!
Drinking plenty of water will help promote healthy hydrated hair as well as improve blood circulation throughout your body which will lead to less breakage when waxing, dry brittle hair breaks easily and grows back thicker and faster than ever before.

In the winter, your skin can become dry and flaky. This is due to seasonal changes and the lack of humidity in the air. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, which helps your hair grow softer and smoother while removing dirt, sweat, and oil from your pores. It also helps prevent ingrown hairs by removing dead skin cells that could clog up your pore openings.
Exfoliate 2 days before waxing to ensure all dirt is removed from your pores before treatment so that you have a good experience with minimal redness afterward!
When exfoliating for waxing purposes, it is important not to use harsh scrubs or chemical agents as these may irritate sensitive areas like underarms or bikini lines. Mild exfoliators like sugar scrubs are recommended because they are less likely to cause irritation than harsher products if there was a reaction on those parts of our bodies where we typically get waxed (like legs).
In the winter, your skin will be drier than usual. It's important to moisturize after you shower and before bed in order to keep your skin healthy and comfortable. In addition, if you tend to have dry skin all year round, invest in a heavy-duty moisturizer that is specifically designed for sensitive or irritated skin and use it daily.

I know it's hot ladies but chill out with the hot showers!
Hot water is bad for your skin. Hot water can dry out the skin and make it feel tight, which in turn causes you to overcompensate with a thick layer of moisturizer or oil. This is especially true if you have sensitive skin or are prone to breakouts – hot water heats up the oil in your pores and increases their size, making them more susceptible to getting clogged with dirt and other gross stuff.
Hot water can be bad for your hair too! The average heat setting on a shower head is around 115 degrees Fahrenheit, which can seriously damage hair over time if used regularly (and don’t even get me started on how damaging curling irons or flat irons are!). If you want healthy hair that grows quickly/isn’t brittle/doesn't break off easily then cut back on the hot showers! .. and no we're not just talking about the hair on our heads ladies.

Monitor your growth
Wintertime is a perfect time to get a wax. With less exposure to the sun, your hair grows slower and you can easily wait longer between appointments. However, don’t let this lull you into complacence! Monitor your growth and make sure that you are keeping up with the hair removal schedule that works best for you.
Winter can be a great time to wax. You might even find that it's better than any other month because you don't have to deal with all of the pesky little hairs distracting from your beautiful skin!