Emergency Removals -
Due to the rising popularity of “microblading”, and the abundance of poorly trained technicians and unskilled applications, there is significantly more correctional or removal work. I cannot stress enough to please do your research and follow personal recommendations. We can remove or lighten semi-permanent makeup and tattoos WITHOUT the need for a laser. EMERGENCY REMOVAL CAN BE DONE WITHIN 48hrs OF YOUR SESSION !
Removals/Lightening Sessions -
Saline removal solution correction can significantly lighten and/or remove unwanted permanent makeup, microblading and tattoos. If you have old, uneven permanent makeup, this removal technique can lighten or remove asymmetrical brows, uneven pigmentation, or pigment migration and is a great help to those dissatisfied with their semi-permanent makeup or microblading in general. Saline removal is less invasive than Laser tattoo removal or chemical peels designed to remove pigment. Unlike many lasers on the market, saline removal can remove all pigment colors. Read the FAQ section below to learn more about the procedure.
Benefits of Saline PMU Lightening
Permanent Results
Fade unwanted ink in the skin
Cost Effective & Non-invasive - compared to laser tattoo removal options
Boost in Confidence - no more hiding!
Is it right for me?
Regret your brows
Laser tattoo removal is out of my budget or too invasive for me
Would like a new technique, change color, or change shape
Unrealistic expectations
Treatment Summary

Procedure Duration
30 Min - 1 Hour

As Needed

Sensitivity Period
0-48 Hours

No. of Treatments
As needed on a case by case basis

Healing Period
4 weeks

Within 30 days

Lasting Results

Potential Risks
Swelling, Bruising, Itching
Single Session - $150
Package - schedule a consultation to get discounted rates
Emergency "Removal" (within 24-48 hours) - $100
Does it hurt?Eyelash extensions | No. The process of applying eyelash extensions when done professionally and properly should never hurt. Most of our clients take full advantage of this time to nap ! Lash Lift | No. The lash lift process does not hurt whatsoever. Lash Removal | No. The lash removal process involves products designed to remove the eyelash extensions gently and damage free.
How long does it last ?Lash Extensions | Lash extensions are applied to the natural lash individually. Lash extensions are hair which all grow at different rates before they naturally shed, which means the eyelash extensions will shed along with the natural lash. Therefore, touch ups are required to maintain your lash extensions. This is done every 2-3 weeks, depending on the speed of your lash cycle and aftercare. Lash Lift | Lash Lifting is a chemical process that curls and lifts your natural lashes. Of course, as hairs they grow at different rates before they naturally shed, which means the processed, or "curled" lashes will shed. Therefore, they typically last between 4-8 weeks depending on how long it takes to complete your growth cycle, at which you can choose to reprocess them every 4-8 weeks if you wish.
What is the aftercare?Please review the aftercare section on the top of the menu page & review the aftercare instructions to properly care for and maintain your lashes.
What should I expect during my appointment?Eyelash Extensions - Full Set | We will discuss lash designs and how you envision the look you want for your lashes. You will be laying on your back with your eyes closed for about 2 hours during your appointment for your full set of eyelash extensions. You can bring a blanket with you to keep you nice and cozy while you take your lash nap, if you'd like! Eyelash Extensions - Fills | Fills are done every 2-3 weeks. We recommended that you schedule your fill appointments in advance as we do book fairly quickly. Please select the appropriate fill option: Touch up appointments (should be selected if you have 50% of your lashes) or Extended Fills (should be selected should you have mega volume lashes, between 35-45% retention, or 3 week after your last appointment) . Lash Lift | Your service will take about 1 hour to complete. You will be laying on your back with your eyes closed while we process your lashes.
Will it damage my lashes?No, neither the lash lift or eyelash extensions should ever damage your lashes. They are applied or processed based on the health of your lashes.